Best Canon Cameras in 2023

I tested the best Canon cameras and I Realized that each Canon camera is made For a very specific individual in mind And unless you know exactly what to look For you can end up with a camera that Doesn't really work for you the Canon M6 Mark II and the Canon 90d are pretty Much the same camera on paper but There's some key differences that Completely change how you use the camera So in this video I'm going to be Breaking down the best Canon camera for You whether you're a casual photographer A serious video shooter or anything in Between the Canon 90d has one of the Highest resolution sensors that you can Get in a DSLR along with its phenomenal Design and features it's a camera that's Great for both casual users and Professionals also if you want to check Out the Canon 90d I'm going to leave Links down below for the best pricing For the Canon 90d along with all the Other cameras that we talk about today The Canon 90d has a 32 megapixel sensor Where most cameras only have about 20 or 24. it gives you incredibly detailed Photos and it shoots in 14-bit raw Giving you an insane amount of Flexibility when it comes to editing Your photos and it also shoots an 11 Frames per second which definitely makes The Canon 90d a sports and action camera The Canon 90d also has really good

Autofocus that will keep up with your Fast moving subject because it has Intelligent subject tracking from both Photos and video now Canon is known for Holding their cameras back when it comes To video just so you have a reason to Buy the more expensive cameras but the Canon 90d is one of the few cameras that Does not do that the 90d shoots gorgeous 4K video at 24 and 30 frames per second Without dropping quality or cropping Into your sensor and if you're like me And you love slow motion the Canon 90d Also shoots slow motion at 60 frames per Second in full HD and 120 frames per Second for five times slow motion also In full HD however there is one teeny Tiny problem when it comes to video the 90d only shoots an 8-bit color where a Lot of the newer cameras coming out Nowadays actually have 10 bit color Which give you more flexibility when it Comes to editing your colors for video If you're a casual user you really won't Care but if you're someone that's pretty Serious about video I do recommend Checking out one of the later cameras in This video that does tend by color one Of the major reasons that people pick up The 90d is because it's a DSLR and Having a DSLR comes with a lot of Advantages in body and design a DSLR Offers a really solid robust body with a Nice deep grip it's a really satisfying

Experience to shoot with a DSLR plus you Get the same spectacular menu and one Layout that you have on any professional Camera making it really easy to use and It also has an LCD screen right at the Top of the camera so you can see all of Your settings at a glance which is of Course a pro feature but as I mentioned Earlier there's also the Canon M6 Mark II the m6 gives you the same power of The Canon 90d but in a small compact Body that completely changes the way you Use it the m6 mark 2 is much better for Casual users that always want to have a Camera on them without having to Lug Around a big chunky DSLR and the m6 Mark II also has a completely different lens Mount these lenses are more affordable But they're not really Pro lenses They're really for casual photographers So they're cheaper but they don't have The same high quality but you can use a 99 adapter to use the same EF Pro Glass That the 90d can use but once you add The adapter and the bigger Pro lens you Pretty much end up with the same size as The 90d and I would say you're better Off with the Canon 90d instead of the m6 Mark II the m6 also has slightly faster Shooting rates and 14 frames per second Versus the Canon 90ds 11 frames per Second the m6 Mark II is a really good Camera for casual running gun Photography both the m6 Mark II and the

90d are powerhouses it really just Depends on what kind of shooter you are And if you're someone that wants a Compact that camera with a lot of Horsepower you're actually better off Looking at one of Canon's newest Mirrorless cameras the Canon r10 because It's just about the same price but does A lot more and as I was making this Video Canon just announced a brand new Full-frame camera that I'm also putting On this list so you don't want to miss It the Canon r10 is a surprisingly Compact camera considering the Ridiculous amount of horsepower and Features it has it's really the perfect Casual camera but it can also be used as An everyday carry camera for a Professional the ergonomics on the r10 Are exactly like a DSLR so you get the Same buttons and dials and features that You would normally get on a pro camera With a side articulating screen that Also allows for touch autofocus one of The really exciting things about the Canon r10 and the new mirrorless lineup Is the fact that it also has Canon's Dual pixel autofocus number two which Uses AI Tech to intelligently track your Subjects because it knows if it's Looking at a person animal or a car but What's inside the Canon r10 it has a 24 Megapixel eps-c sensor which is 10 Megapixels less than the Canon 90d but

It does everything the Canon 90d does But way better it shoots photos at 15 Frames per second in electronic mode it Shoots at 23 frames per second and in Raw burst mode where it only shoots Raw Photos it shoots 30 frames per second That is as fast as video it is Impossible to miss your shot with the Canon r10 and video is just as Impressive but there's two minor things That hold the Canon r10 back it shoots Gorgeous 4K video in 10-bit color at 24 In 30 frames per second and it looks Spectacular it has 4K HQ mode which is Actually 6K down sample to a much more Manageable 4K file so you get the Goodness of 6K but in 4k the Canon r10 Also does 4K at 60 frames per second for Two times slow motion but there's a Small problem in 4k 60 it actually crops In slash zooms into your sensor reducing Image quality but it also makes your Shot just a little too close up on top Of that the Canon r10 does not have C-log which is kind of a feature you Want at this price point but it does Have 10 bit colors so you can really go In there and tweak your colors when it Comes to video you just won't have the Same dynamic range so if you're a pro User I actually recommend spending a Little bit more money and getting the Canon R7 which is 100 worth the upgrade It has a 32 megapixel aps-c sensor which

Is the same sensor from the Canon 90d Plus you get 4k at 60 frames per second Without any crop and you get c-log for Additional dynamic range and you can Really go in there and really fine tune The look of your video and another added Bonus is that it also has image Stabilization built right into the Sensor so when it comes to video you get Really smooth handheld the body of the Canon R7 and r10 are pretty much the Same there's minor differences that you Won't really notice if you're someone That wants a compact everyday camera and You're really about your photo game the Canon r10 is a great choice and if You're also serious about video for a Little bit more the Canon R7 is super Duper worth the upgrade not only do you Get a higher resolution sensor but you Get much better video frame rates but Before you make your decision Canon just Announced a brand new camera that does Everything the r10 and the R7 does but With the new features I've never seen Before in a Canon camera and it's the Exact same price as the Canon R7 so Let's check out Canon's newest camera That Canon R8s the first thing you'll Notice about the Canon R8 is that it has A 24 megapixel full-frame sensor a full Frame sensor is about twice the size of A regular sensor but because you have a Bigger sensor you're able to capture

More light more detail and your images Are going to have a very cinematic Movie-like quality because the bigger Sensor also gives you a wider field of View full frame is pretty much what Every professional videographer and Photographer uses and this is the first Time that I've seen a good full-frame Camera available at this price when it Comes to photos the Canon R8 shoots way Faster than any other camera on this List it shoots at 40 frames per second In electronic shutter mode and it can Also shoot up to 120 photos before it Needs a break this is really good for Super fast moving objects like sports Cars or Wildlife this honestly makes it The best sports camera on this list now There is a problem all the other cameras On this list have mechanical shutters Which mean it has a physical shutter in Front of your sensor the R8 only has an Electronic shutter electronic shutter Mode really isn't ideal for studio and Flash photography because you get these Weird blurry lines across your image but You can switch over to an alternate Shooting mode that shoots at a slower Six frames per second but it doesn't Give you any issues when using your Electronic shutter mode even with flash But when you're in a studio you really Don't need anything faster than six Frames per second and the R8 also has

Canon's newest Auto focusing system Which uses AI to intelligently track People cars and animals so it knows how To move the autofocus accordingly and it Absolutely keeps up with the insane Speeds that these cameras offer and the R8 also does everything the R7 offers in Terms of video except the 4K is down Sampled from 6K it offers 4K at 60 Frames per second for two-time slow Motion without a crop it offers c-log And you also get the added benefit of Having a full frame look to your camera If you're a video shooter I do recommend The R8 over the R7 if you want that full Frame look the only thing you're really Missing out is the in body stabilization So handheld is a little bit tougher but You get a professional style body with This camera because it's the same body As the Canon RP for fifteen hundred Dollars this is the best video camera Canon has ever put out however the Canon R8 isn't perfect and if you really want The best Canon camera out there let's Check out the Canon R6 Mark II because It's taking everything that Canon does Really well and crank the awesome dial All the way to the Max and there's three Key features that are really going to be Game changers for both photographers and Videographers off the bat you'll notice It has the same 24 megapixel full-frame Sensor that you also saw in the R8 so

You already know you're going to get High resolution photos and videos plus That professional full-frame look what Really takes the R6 Mark II to the next Level is the fact that it has a Mechanical shutter but a ridiculous 30 Frames per second raw burst mode and It's even faster in electronic shutter Mode at 40 frames per second this way You get the best of the R8 the r10 and The R7 in one camera what makes this Really impressive is that the Canon R6 Mark II has a lot of the features that You have in the Canon R3 which is a six To eight thousand dollar camera and that Also includes the new dual pixel Autofocus which was a big reason people Bought that camera including some of the Video features as well in terms of video You get 4k that is down sampled from 6K So you get the awesomeness of 6K all the Detail but in a manageable 4K package And it allows you to shoot from 24 to 30 To 60 frames per second without any Cropping or drop in quality and it also Shoots full HD at 120 frames per second For five times slow motion but also 180 Frames per second for 7.5 times slow Motion the features in this camera are Really really good if you're shooting Commercials high-end music videos or any Kind of cool content but what makes the Canon R6 Mark II such a beast of a Camera is the fact that when you have a

Really big project something you would Probably need to rent a high-end cinema Camera for you no longer have to because The R6 Mark II actually allows you you To shoot 6K raw prores externally up to 60 frames per second so you no longer Need to spend the money on renting some Fancy camera with an insurance fee you Can do it all with your camera simply by Using an affordable external recorder And for this reason I think the R6 Mark II is the best camera from Canon because It has the best value for your money if You guys want to check out the R6 Mark II or any of the cameras we talked about On this list make sure to check out the Links in the description down below and I will see you guys in the next video Peace

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