Does the Panasonic GH7 Dominate for Video Production?

It's Dave and Evelyn from the camera Store and today we're going to give you Our first impressions of the Panasonic Lumix [Music] [Music] Gh7 this is the Panasonic gh7 this is a Micro 4/3 camera with a 25 megap sensor And if you look at this camera it looks Ident to the predecessor the gh6 that's Not a bad thing I mean Panasonic has a Very clear and concise design but for me What I really like about Panasonic is That everything is really well labeled If I want to say how do I change the iso It's right there I mean it's a very Functional camera it's not my you know My favorite as far as Aesthetics going As far as the camera goes I don't think They're the sexiest camera but this is Like a Workhorse camera and it has Weather ceiling have a touchcreen fully Articulating you know it has that Chunkier grip where you really have a Really good hold on the camera I like That we have all of the ports that you Want you have a microphone Jack Headphone jack fulls siiz HDMI port you Have USBC we even have an SSD lock on The bottom of the camera there's Actually a plate pin lock so you have a Lot of functionality just like the gh6 We liked a lot of those features in it And I'm glad that it's maintained along

With that weather ceiling when you first Look at the specs of the brand new gh7 It's so video Centric we kind of gloss Over the still side of things now it is A very capable Stills camera featuring a 25 megap sensor now we do have features Like a handheld highres mode which will Give you A1 megapixel file out of this 25 megapixel sensor so if you want that Extra level of detail you can certainly Do that now with mechanical shutter you Can get 10 frames per second out of this Camera if you want to go into the high Burst rate you can do 65 frames per Second with continuous autofocus or 75 With single autofocus point something Else that is making its way into other Brands as well that Panasonic's had for A long time is the pre-birth function I Mean this is great if you're Shooting Sports and action or something a very Fleeting moment you can press the Shutter button up to a second or two Past the actual incident happening and Go back and play that and capture that Fleeting moment very easily so very cool Features when it comes to Stills just Like the G9 we do have the Leica black And white profile in this camera and I Really like that I like exploring that Black and white option if you want to Know more about the Stills features and Functions check out our g92 video cuz It's the same thing put into this camera

Here as Dave was mentioning the biggest Change with this camera with the GH System is having the phase detection Autof focus and this is a really big Advancement for video as well we were Shooting with the gh6 and actually the Gh5 for many many years and our biggest Complaint was that we often had to Manually focus our a-roll or video Footage because you get kind of this Like pulse this is completely eliminated Using the phase detection system so we Have no concerns now when shooting with A camera like this and this kind of Brings it up to another level in terms Of the video functionality and as we Mentioned before of course it's fully Loaded with all the ports and everything That you want so you can adapt this Camera you can really rig it up and Because it's this like run and Gun form Factor it also integrates well with gim Symbols so the very cool thing that Panasonic has done with the gh7 is Recording the proxy file alongside with The regular file so you can have like Apple Pro res that are massive files That will choke most of your computers Right U and you can use these very small Proxy files off the SD card edit from Those and it works amazing you know Sometimes I feel like I need like a day Of proxy file you know what I mean Somebody understands video a little bit

More like me so uh I do have a trick for That here's a somewhat lighter version Of flexible file check this out all Right Drew you even came apart to look Like Dave's proxy you look very similar Um we won't get into any more details Than that but I did want to bring you on Here because of course in our video Production we shot for many years with The gh6 and the gh5 and we found it to Be a great camera for our YouTube Production but now of course we have This gh7 and so what were the big check Marks for you in terms of what this Announcement is offering I mean let's Just gloss past autofocus Okay everybody dunked on the gh6 why did They still have contrast detect well They don't it's phase detect okay we're Done we'll we'll check that box uh so Going into the actual really cool things I mean the big one for me was Apple Pro Res with unlimited Record Times internal Recording like how like how do they how Have they managed to mitigate heat that Much these files are massive like 1.4 Gigs per second and their color Fidelity Is is insane like they're absolutely Gorgeous files um and the fact that you Can internally record them with proxies Going at the same time and not overheat Yeah it does kind of give you this like Run and Gun form factor but it does Compete with cameras like black magic

You know if you're looking at other Options in terms of video I mean this Does actually open up the door and allow You to get into more professional Formats but still having something that Is relatively Compact and and easy to Operate yeah and it's insane that They've kept all of the same shooting Codecs and formats they did in the gh6 And just made them even better as you See there's a lot of things about this Camera that are like unlimited they Don't really want to have a lot of Restrictions for video shooting and that Kind of brings us to the media and the Battery of this camera no surprises There it is the same as the gh6 so we Have a CF Express type B card slot as Well as an SD UHS 2 memory card slot and Then the same battery as the gh6 as well Same sea rating now on the memory this Is actually the one spot where if you Were comparing against the g92 it kind Of separates it because we have the Faster card slot with the CF Express Type B it does open up a lot more Formats with SSD recording it's direct Off of USBC so of course you just go Take that little Port right there you Can mount them Direct on top small rig Has a couple of cool options in there Really standard rigging out uh the two Small limitations on the ssds you can Run up to 2 terabytes uh the other uh

Limitation is when you plug in the SSD It limits it to 60 frames on the sensor Readout so it does limit your uh frame Rates and codec a little bit when using The SSD but flip side your heat Mitigation is even better I mean it's Unlimited record time internal anyways But apparently utilizing the SSD you Have even better thermal mitigation Which is just like okay like how much Better can they possibly get yeah I mean I keep thinking about this camera and on The video side it's like what do you not Have I mean this rigs up quite nicely And because there's a lot of accessories On the market for the gh6 this will fit In all those accessories because it is Identical the same body accessories like The new audio recorder yes we haven't Even touched on audio there is now the Ability to add on the new version 2 XLR Adapter and this opens up the door to Some new audio recording possibilities Really there's only one that we're Really needing to talk about and that's 32-bit float uh recording 32-bit float Recording is only available on the XLR Attachments basically it's going to Stack a higher frequency and a lower Frequency so you're getting the best Quality sound now this of course is Really important especially if you're Using something like a shotgun Microphone where sometimes it can be a

Little bit more challenging to get that Amazing quality audio this gives you More flexibility with it more control And it's just going to give you that Better signal and then one last thing That I wanted to add on the video side Of course for us because we do a lot of Live streaming on our Channel if you Guys didn't know check out our live Streams we have a lot of really cool Photographers that we've had the Pleasure of interviewing but this Obviously is recognized as webcam so Again adding to that versatil of the System we have some solid photo features And we have it's not just registered as A webcam it's registered as a webcam for Your phone too holy I didn't even notice That yeah that is great see this is why We brought Drew up here as Dave's proxy I don't know if he knew that either did You Dave did you he's nodding oh he's Nodding he says he knows he didn't know He didn't know that I feel like they Didn't forget anything no and that's That's what I was going to ask you is Like can you really think of anything Honestly like that annoys you about the System so are you sure and especially For the price point name me a camera for Three grand Canadian that has Apple Pro Res direct internal recording with Proxies yeah tripod pin on the bottom Tripod pin on the bottom 7 and half

Stops of ody stabiliz like what else What else is there I know I know it's Really hard to find something that we're Like ah they really missed it with this One Panasonic you did a great job like This is a pretty solid camera for a Video production it's something that we Would love to use um but we bring back Probably should bring yeah the original Full file yeah well I'm glad to be back Now it's maybe not like the most photo Centric camera that we've reviewed um But there's another option for that Right no and the thing is I'm I am Actually legitimately excited about this On the video side of things and it's Because the workflow and how flexible it Is there's nothing I can't go and attack Whether it's live streaming from my Phone whether it's using it as a webcam Whether it's you know using open gate Right just something that I'm learning As well right these are all these Function built into this camera make it Very easy to work with yeah I agree now We're going to have like video Dave he's Going to be working those proxy files He's going to be having a really good Time with that so that's really good to See I should also mention that we've Been shooting this whole time with the Gh7 today so we want to know what do you Think about this camera what do you Think of the video footage are you still

Into the idea of micel for thirds for Video production in particular let us Know in the comments below and are you Excited about proxies as I am make sure You follow us on Instagram and if you're New to the Channel please sub subscribe Hit that notification Bell it's been Daveid Evelyn from the camera store We'll catch you again very [Music] Soon hey thanks for sticking around and Watching this episode on the panic Sonic Gh7 if you want to check out more of our Recent content click up here by the Calgary Tower if you want to shop local And support Canadian check out the camer down here

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