New: Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN ‘Art’ II lens review

Greetings again everyone and I come Bearing Glad Tidings as Sigma have Decided to update their already good 24 To7 mm f2.8 dgd art lens with a new mark 2 version the original was a very nice Little competitor to Sony's own similar G Master lens except at a far lower Price this new Mark I version follows in That tradition by only being £ 1,180 here in the UK K now obviously That's still a lot of money but not so Much when you realize that Sony's new G Master Mark II lens is 2000 getting on for twice as expensive So if this Sigma lens is any good then All kinds of serious photographers will Be quite interested it's a full-frame Autofocus lens for Sony's e-mount Mirorless cameras and it'll also be Available for l-mount cameras I'd like To thank Sigma UK for loaning me this Lens for a couple of weeks for testing Although as as usual this is a totally Independent review if I could only have One lens for my camera it would probably Be a fast standard zoom lens especially One starting at 24 mm which on a Full-frame camera is lovely and wide 70 Mm isn't especially telephoto admittedly But open up your aperture to f2.8 and You can get some lovely out of focus Backgrounds here for portrait and other Subject photography oh and that constant Bright maximum aperture of f2.8 also

Makes a lens like this very flexible for Video work this Sigma lens's build Quality is excellent as usual for one of Their more expensive art offerings it's A lovely mixture of metal and Highquality Plastics with some good Basic weather ceiling at about 730 G It's not lightweight though it's Certainly quite a solid piece of glass In your hand at the rear we get an Aperture control ring it can be set to Lock in and out of of automatic position And set to turn smoothly or with clicks At every third of an f- stop so it's Useful for both Stills and video work Then comes the rubberized Zoom ring it Turns a little heavily but very smoothly And evenly with barely any stickiness to It so again that's very useful for video Work it also has a little switch on the Side to Loosely lock it into place at 24 Mm then comes the autofocus hold buttons And an auto manual focus switch followed Closely by a rubberized Focus ring which Again turns smoothly with just the right Amount of resistance it's electronically Coupled with the Focus motor and as you Can see here works very responsively to Being turned when you're Zoomed In Focus Breathing is low however zoom out and we Do catch some breathing as you focus in And out still this amount is not going To be a real problem even for video Makers the lens's autofocus motor is

Silent and accurate it works fairly Quickly in singleshot autofocus mode but In continuous autofocus mode it's almost Instantaneous and had no issues with Subject tracking either nice the lens Has a front filter size of 82 mm so You'll need quite big filters here it Comes with a nice quality Hood with a Little rubber trim and a locking button To it the lens does not feature image Stabilization overall this is absolutely Fantastic build quality and the lens Works almost perfectly with especially Powerful Autofocus all right let's see about Image quality then today I'll be testing It out on a fullframe camera my 42 map Sony a7r 3 in camera Corrections are Turned on at 24 mm and F 2.8 image Quality in the middle is superb perfect Resolution and perfect contrast that Sharpness continues far across the image Frame we only see softness emerging in The very edges of the image here stopped Down to f5.6 and well no real Improvement f8 looks sharper though and So does f11 so landscape photographers Will be glad to see those edges get Completely sharp eventually all right Let's zoom into 45 mm now again at f2.8 We see complete perfection in the middle Of the image Corner image quality is Better now than at 24 mm looking fairly Sharp even right into the edges the

Picture quality stays this sharp as you Stop down to f8 stop down any further Than this and defraction will begin to Cause softness so finally let's Zoom Right into 70 mm at f2.8 again the Picture looks excellent in the middle Some good news is that corner image Quality has improved again from The Wider angles looking very sharp straight From the maximum aperture now stop down To f5.6 for a touch of extra sharpness In those corners and at f8 they now look Perfect at f11 or darker softness from Defraction begins to creep in once again So it's a great performance from the Lens although picture quality in its Very edges at wider angles could have Been a little sharper still we're Getting plenty of resolution and Contrast here overall and its Corner Image quality is just a little better Than sigma's original 2470 mm ddn lens Although probably not improved enough For owners of the original to bother Upgrading All right well let's turn off in camera Corrections and take a look at Distortion and vignetting at 24 mm There's quite a bulge of barrel Distortion to be seen with very dark Corners at f2.8 stop down to F4 or f5.6 For those Corners to brighten up zoom Into 30 mm for that Distortion to Straighten out and at 70 mm we get

Moderately bad pin cushion Distortion Again with strong vignetting at f2.8 Again stop down to F4 or f5.6 six for Those Corners to brighten up so it's an Averagely bad performance here for a Standard zoom lens thankfully these Problems will get corrected by your Camera very well okay let's move on and Take a look at closeup image quality Zoom into 70 mm and the lens gets you Nice and close to smaller subject Although actually other such lenses on The Sony system can get you even closer Than this anyway close-up image quality Is dreadfully bad at f2.8 with huge Color ing F4 is still pretty awful but At f5.6 we at least start to get some Sharpness and contrast emerging and Finally at f8 that color fringing is Finally mostly gone by the way if you Zoom out to 24 mm you can get even Closer to your subject here and the Close-up image quality is much better at F2.8 and sharp at F4 the only problem With doing this will be getting light Onto your subject though because the Front of the lens is so big and up Against it here now for work against Bright light and the sigma goes from Shame to Glory here as it manages to Retain loads of contrast whether zoomed Out or zoomed in and flaring remains Very low nice work there and while we're Working in the dark let's take a look

For coma and sunstars good news on the Coma front even at f2.8 there's Basically none to be seen here which Will be very useful for nighttime Photography when it comes to sunstars It's only really a 11 that they begin to Emerge and just mildly at F-16 and F22 They finally get quite strong next bcka And happily this lens is more than Capable of getting you some beautifully Soft outof focus backgrounds here even In difficult transitional zones very Nice again finally longitudinal Chromatic aeration what's the opposite Word to appac Chromatic again well Whatever it is this is the dictionary Definition as we are being treated to Some of the craziest bcka highlights I've ever seen at f2.8 it's still there At F4 f5.6 and even f8 finally at f11 It's mostly gone away that particular Problem aside though this is clearly an Excellent first standard zoom lens not The best but excellent and certainly Quite reasonably priced for what you're Getting it's sharp with excellent Contrast low coma smooth bcka and Fabulous build quality this lens is only The stumbling blocks are its close-up Image quality and longitudinal chromatic Aeration where it really struggled and I Suppose the image edges could have been A bit sharper at 24 mm But ultimately if You're looking for a great fast standard

Zoom lens for your Sony camera and you Want it to start at 24 mm and you can't Afford the Sony G Master Mark II like Most of us then this is a perfect choice And it comes highly recommended Some of you might be wondering how this Lens compares to Sony's G Master Mark I And tamron's 2875 mm G2 lenses well Watch this space a comparison video is Coming right up ages since I've done one Of those isn't it anyway thanks for Watching everyone patreon Link in the Description below if you enjoy these Videos and want some exclusive bonus Content take care and God bless everyone

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