Sigma 50mm F2 DN (iSeries) Quick Review | The Premium Compact

[Music] Foreign The recent Sony 50 millimeter F 1.4 G Master I had a lot of people tell me That what they were really looking for Was a high quality 50 millimeter F 1.8 Lens that was smaller lighter and Cheaper Sigma clearly read the room as Their most recent lens is a high Performing 50 millimeter F2 lens Designed for Sony E and Leica L mounts It is 37 percent shorter nearly 50 Percent lighter and cost over 200 less Than the recent Sigma 50 millimeter F 1.4 art lens and provides the clear Market separation that people were Looking for so is this the 50 millimeter Lens you've always wanted find out after A quick word about viltrox's global Photo contest are you ready to use that Gear and show off your skills viltrox is Sponsoring a global photo contest with More than fifteen thousand dollars worth Of prizes with one catch photos must be Shot with a viltrox lens a panelist of Judges from around the world including My friend Christopher Frost will select The winners The contest runs from April 10th to June 10th and you can upload your submissions To the link in the description below First prize comes with over four Thousand dollars worth of gear including A Fujifilm xt5 and a viltrox AF 13

Millimeter F 1.4 lens with subsequent Prizes loaded with lenses tripods lights Swag and gift cards there is no cost to Enter so get snapping upload your best Work and win big prizes in the viltrox Global photo contest this lens is part Of sigma's I series which includes a Number of other beautifully crafted Compact lenses that also happen to have Seriously good Optics the 50 millimeter F2 is 70 millimeters or 2.8 inches in Both diameter and length and has a 58 Millimeter front filter thread you can See that it is larger than the typical Nifty 50 but much smaller than even the Smallest 50 millimeter F 1.4 lens on the Sony platform it weighs in at 345 grams Or about 12 ounces largely because of How well made it is everything is Crafted of metal and glass including the Beautifully made lens Hood and the Aperture and focus Rings both move Smooth smoothly and feel great to the Touch there is an AF MF switch but no Focus hold button the all metal design Allows for a choice between a Traditional pinch cap and a metal one That attaches magnetically though I find The ladder hard to remove if the lens Hood is in place there is a weather Sealing gasket at the lens mount but no Internal seals the aperture Iris has Nine rounded blades and does a fairly Good job of keeping a circular shape

Minimum Focus distance is 45 centimeters And the resulting magnification is just A so-so 0.14 times up close performance Is strong however with nice detail and Good contrast The 50 millimeter f2dn is equipped with An STM Focus motor and as you can see Focus changes are quick and quiet I a Good Focus accuracy whether my subject Was human animal or otherwise I did find That when I turned up the burst rate on My a74 that initially focused lagged a Bit behind in this series of Nala but Once it got to the right place Focus Remained accurate during my video Focus Pull test I saw smooth quiet results Though with some obvious Focus breathing As a third-party lens the sigma will not Be compatible with Sony's Focus Breathing compensation I also saw some Minor visible stepping in my hand test Though I didn't see that during my test Where I approached the camera Sony's own 50 millimeter F 2.5 g might Be a better video lens as the aperture Can be de-clicked it has dual linear Focus Motors and will be compatible with The focus breathing compensation on Cameras that are so equipped that aside My general purpose autofocus results Were excellent with the sigma the Sigma 50 millimeter F2 is a very sharp lens Boasting higher wide open performance Than the very sharp Sigma 50 millimeter

F 1.4 DN art in the center and mid frame Though the F 1.4 lens is sharper in the Corners I found that the two lens were Pretty comparable when the F 1.4 lens Was stopped down to F2 you can see that Real world sharpness from the little Lens is impeccable however and even on The 50 megapixel sensor this wide open Shot of our city hall is about as sharp As when stopped down to F 5.6 there's Plenty of sharpness for portraits General purpose shots or landscape Images there is a minuscule amount of Distortion and about two stops of Vignette both easily corrected there is Minimal color fringing as well which Results in high contrast images flare Resistance is also very strong with Little loss of contrast or blobs of Color even when panning across the Sun I Even found that coma performance was Quite good making this a decent lens for Shooting the night sky Bokeh quality is also good though not as Exceptional as from larger aperture Lenses I found the general quality of Background blur quite nice though I did See a bit more outlining than Optimum All told this is an amazing lens Optically The final question will be one of value At 639 US Dollars the Sigma 50 Millimeter f2dn is more expensive than The first party Sony 50 millimeter F 2.5

G though it does have two-thirds stop of A light Gathering Advantage there are Fewer alternatives on the Leica L Platform and I wouldn't be surprised if This lens proves very popular there we Are spoiled for Choice when it comes to Modern 50 millimeter lenses and this Moderately sized moderately priced High Performing Sigma lens might prove just Right for certain photographers I'm Dustin Abbott and if you look in the Description below you can find links to My full text review and image gallery And also buying links thanks for Watching have a great day and let the Light in [Music] Foreign

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